Tentang straightforward talk

StraightForward Talk With Ingram & Atiya is a healthy and safe place where readers can send letters anonymously asking the tough questions about relationships and married life in general and get them answered in a real open, honest, straightforward way whether directly, through videos, articles, or radio show topics.

Straightforward here means not necessarily always in a "feel good" format, but above board, unpretentious, and in the spirit of loving kindness. Unlike other similar platforms, Ingram & Atiya delivers their responses to inspire and to help men, women, and couples discover their own truth for a better relationship and marriage.

The responses and articles benefit not only the one seeking advice, but also a cross-section of viewers, readers, and listeners. The Blog is a relationship and marriage ministry outreach program of the I AM Network and designed to in a proactive and innovative way help people move their lives and relationship in a positive and meaningful direction.